American Pet Products Association Travel With Pets


53% of travelers accept holidays with their pets, then pet-friendly adaptation is a growing manufacture trend.

Information technology's estimated that 2 million domestic animals travel on commercial flights every year.

52% of surveyed owners said that they only stay at pet-friendly properties.

half-dozen% of pets in the US lath a plane every twelvemonth.

27% of people said that they want to see more dog-friendly hotels and holiday parks. 16% would also like to see this in pubs.

15% would like to run across more canis familiaris-friendly beaches , while 14% want more than canis familiaris-friendly restaurants.

A recent poll establish that 27% of pet owners are planning one or 2 trips with their furry friends in the adjacent year.

37% are planning 3 to v getaways , while 31% intend to travel with their pet six or more than times across the twelvemonth.

Over half of owners plan to travel this yr with their animal companions.

37% of owners accept opted against travelling to stay at home with their dog.

78% of owners and their four-legged friends are driving and flying together more now than ever earlier.

37% of families travel with their furry friends. This is a nineteen% increment over the last decade.

Over 50% of owners intend to take their pets away with them this year.

In 9 out of 10 households , dogs are considered part of the family.

31.3% programme to have overnight trips with their pets six or more times a year.

37% of families travel with their four-legged friends. This is a 19% increase over the last decade.

42% of owners aged 55-64 take their four-legged friends with them travelling. This makes Babe Boomers more likely to do this than younger generations.

If they have to leave their pets at home, 25% of Boomers make bootleg treats for their dogs to enjoy when they are away.

75% go out behind an article of clothing with their scent on it!

25% of women will accept their dog on vacation, whereas just 14% of men will do the same.

Information technology's estimated that 2 million pets board commercial flights in the US every year.

A study of dog owners in the UK showed that 85% would rather a staycation in the UK with their pets than a holiday away without them.

For those opting to take UK holidays with their dogs, the study constitute the South East to exist the nearly pet-friendly surface area.

Behind the South Due east, the two next most friendly UK areas are the South West and the Due east of England. These areas accept the virtually walks, vets, and dog-friendly pubs.

According to owners, 61% of dogs savor trips to the U.s.a.. This is followed past Canada and the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.

18.3% of owners showed interest in visiting a historic site or national park with their pets.

12.5% desire a holiday where they tin stay at a hotel in a pet-friendly city.

42.9% of pet owners desire a destination with hiking opportunities and fresh air.

37.5% of surveyed owners said they won't travel without their pets.

20% have previously phoned home to "speak" to their pet while away.

four% of owners say they have gone as far every bit to send their pet a postcard while they're away.

While away, well-nigh a quarter of owners carry a film of their cat or dog and almost as many will come up back with a souvenir for their pet.

xv% adapt special play dates with other dogs while they're away.

The aforementioned number of owners also plan video calls with their pets when they're away.

3% of owners have fifty-fifty left an over-sized photograph of themselves for their canis familiaris when they're abroad from dwelling house

Just vii.i% of those asked don't have concerns nigh travelling without their pets.

14.2% say that their biggest concern is that their pets will miss them or won't understand where they've gone.

20.8% of surveyed owners worry that the care received by their pets while they're abroad won't match the quality of care at dwelling.

7.1% worried that their pet volition get lost or sick while they are abroad.

xiii.three% said they would miss their pets too much or experience as well guilty to properly enjoy their break.

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